What Does Easter Mean to You?

Joanne Bauer

Joanne Bauer

Published April 20, 2014 1:00 pm
What Does Easter Mean to You?

crown-of-thorns-4-1346127-mAs described in the New Testament, Easter is a holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, having occurred three days after his crucifixion by Romans at Calvary.

Some of the customs during Easter include sunrise services, decorating Easter eggs, the Easter bunny, Easter egg hunting, and family and friends gathering for a feast.

Yesterday exploreClarion.com asked on Facebook the following question: What does Easter mean to you?

Here are some of the responses:

Shasta Walker: Jesus is alive for us.

Carla Marie Fox: Spending time with family and friends!

An Na: Yummy eggs and time with my family.

Lc Culp: *Easter* means..**Happyness ** Children hunting (Easter eggs) Candy in Easter baskets. Family get together dinners and Getting some one you love a (Pretty) Bunny Rabbit for Easter …

Sandy K. Potter: Easter is a time of renewal, a time of rebirth, a season of spiritual reawakening no matter your belief system. It is a time for celebrating life and love! It is a time for reminding your friends and family how much you appreciate them, and rededicating yourself to making time to nurture those relationships. It is a time of joy, of hearts overflowing with hope, of opportunities for change and growth! It is a time for challenging ourselves to live mindfully, to live in the moment, and to use each day to make memories. Easter is all this and so much more…

Kathy Myers-Hepner: Victory — over death and Satan.

Fred Vasbinder: No matter how bad things appear to be in the flesh, the end result is very rewarding. Jesus carried, and hung on the cross so that we all could be SAVED…The resurrection of Jesus gives us proof from God, that we to will one day walk again with Jesus by our side. Everyone has good and bad days, but I always try to remember that, If God brings you to it, God will bring you through it, even though you may have to tread through lots of obstacles along the way…HE IS RISEN!!!

No matter what customs you follow, Easter is a time for celebration.

The staff at exploreClarion.com wishes you a wonderful Easter!

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