Say What?!: Woman Finds Leech in Her Nose After Asia Trip

Jake Bauer

Jake Bauer

Published October 14, 2014 4:02 am

EDINBURGH, Scotland — Daniela Liverani, of Edinburgh, Scotland, came home from a trip to Vietnam with an unpleasant souvenir up her nose.

The 24-year-old backpacker suffered frequent nosebleeds after a motorcycle accident, and assumed that a dark protrusion sticking out of her nostril was congealed blood.

“When I was in the shower, he would come right out as far as my bottom lip and I could see him sticking out the bottom of my nose,” Liverani told The Daily Mail on Sunday. “So when that happened, I jumped out of the shower to look really closely in the mirror and I saw ridges on him. That’s when I realized he was an animal.”

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